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International Training Workshop on Construction and Management of Intelligent Port

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ESCAP’s Transport Research and Education Network for Asia and the Pacific (TREN) and the Dalian Maritime University are organizing an International Training Workshop on Construction and Management of Intelligent Port. 

The workshop aims: (i) to share the experience of China in operation and management ports, port logistics and intelligent port construction; (ii) explore application of new technologies that are suitable for intelligent port construction and management in Asia-Pacific region; and (iii) strengthen technical cooperation among Asia-Pacific countries, ESCAP TREN and China in construction and management of intelligent ports.

Interested maritime and port experts, transport planners and policymakers and other related stakeholders from the region are invited to join the workshop. All successful participants will receive a training certificate. 

Contact persons
1  Mr. Sooyeob Kim, email:
2  Ms. Wanna Kunsabfueng, email:

Dalian Maritime University:
1  Ms. Zhang Dongyan, email: